May 25, 2011

Crossbody bags *pattern*

The pattern that I'll be sharing is for these bags...

I've tested the pattern, but if you find any problems or have any problems, feel free to let me know!

ch 45
row 1: hdc in 3rd ch from hook across
row 2-30: ch 2, turn, hdc crochet across. at the end of row 30, tie off

You should be left with 1 big piece like this...

Join yarn on one of the shorter sides, and continue below

1: sc approx 30 across the short side    
2: ch 1, turn and sc decrease across
3: ch 1, turn, 2 sc in each sc decrease across
*repeat for short side on opposite side*

fold bag in half, make sure the short sides are lined up evenly, sl st through both pieces to close up sides

after joining yarn, continue with a series of slip stitches to close up sides. When done, repeat on opposite side as well

flip bag inside out so that the sl sts are inside of the bag.  You should be left  with this...

ch 100 (more or less for a shorter or taller person)
row 1: sc in 2nd ch from hook
row 2: chain 3, triple crochet across
row 3: ch 1, sc across and tie off

attach straps to inside of the bag

From this point on you can add fabric, a zipper, a snap...anything you'd like.

 I'd love to see your finished work, so please feel free to email me pictures so I can feature your work on my blog!


Brittany said...

thats great! if you could, please put a link to my pattern on your fb :-) i'd also love to see your bag and share it on my blog! you could email me the picture (address in the contact me tab above)

Sookie said...

Love the pattern and plan to make one for my little niece. One question, how did you do the flap?

Randi said...

I am new to crochet and would like to try your bag pattern. How do you recommend attaching the fabric to the inside of your cross bag?

Brittany said...

@Sookie, the bag with the flap is a completely different pattern that I may post later or may sell if I can perfect how I write my patterns
@Randi, I measure out the fabric, pin it to the bag and then sew it on :-) hope that helps

daperfectmix said...

Very cute!

Brittany said...

Awww, Thanks...I've been following your blog for awhile!

daperfectmix said...

Congratulations! I'm passing along a Sunshine award to your blog. check it out on my blog at


Anngela said...

Ok--I'm sorry that I am SO behind and didn't realize you-freakin-crochet!!!! I am in love and very jealous. Crocheting and knitting are the two things I have yet to attempt, but I think you just inspired me too!! (Once I figure out all the lingo and basics haha) I never knew you made such amazing things!!! :) :) LOVE this bag :)

Brittany said...

lol, I've been crocheting since I was 10! I've tried knitting recently and yea... that was enough for me. There's a lady on youtube who has a million videos and AMAZING tutorials on the basics of crocheting...u should check her out... her youtube name is The art of crochet by teresa. She has a pretty good blog too

Shannon Breen said...

SO cute! I love crossbody bags and these would be great for fall. Thanks for sharing. :)

Brittany said...

Your Welcome :-)

Aimee said...

Hi there! I am just loving your blog and I too, love crochet & bows! I want to crochet the crossbody bag, but reviewing the pattern, I don't see a hook size? Am I missing it? I could be! Ü I see on your clutch you said to use a 6.00mm, can you please help me? Thanks! Check out my blog sometime,
xo aimee

Santi said...

Hi I'm new to crocheting and I'm a little confused with the cross bag pattern I think I'm folding it wrong. So in other words I'm stuck with this big block and I don't know what to do next :( I would greatly appreciate it if you can explain

Brittany said...

The hook I used for this pattern was a 5.5 (I/5) hook...I'll make sure I include that in the pattern.
@Santi, once you have the big block, you just have to fold it in half and stitch up the sides to close the bag and then you flip it inside out so the stitching won't show...hope that helps. If you need additional help, the 'contact me' tab above has my email address...feel free to contact me :-)

Anonymous said...

This pattern was EXACTLY what I was looking for!
I used black yarn and my block was 90 stitches instead of 45 and I didn't do the decrease. I added a big button so I could fold down one side of the bag and have an asymmetrical look. I also added a pocket on the liner. I had the idea in my head, but I needed your pattern as a basis, so thanks!!

Crafty Gardener said...

I love cross body bags and have copied your pattern out to make yours. Thanks for sharing.

Brittany said...

thanks everyone

Courtney montgomery said...

Hi I just want to say I love the pattern I have also been crocheting since I was twelve.i have a question if I want to double the size of the bag could I just double the amount of stitches?thanks

Brittany said...

To double the size of the bag, instead of doing 30 rows, do 60..or however many you'd like...make it your own :-)

Brittany said...

To double the size of the bag, instead of doing 30 rows, do 60..or however many you'd like...make it your own :-)

Anonymous said...

Did you ever write the pattern for the bag with the flap? I would love to try it.

Anonymous said...

I love this pattern! And I was just wondering what that yellow yarn in the pictures was (if you remember) thanks!

Melinda said...

I came across this pattern and I love it. Plan on making it for my niece. Quick question, what size hook did you use?

Unknown said...

Hi love the pattern! On ravelry it says use a k hook but on one of your comments it says you used a 5.5 hook which hook should I use

Stitchystuff Crafts said...

Hu am pretty new to crochet you say to attach the handles inside the bag. Can i ask how you do that please. Many thanks

Brittany said...

The picture with the straps being attached to the purse isn't working. Could you upload a new one so I could see what you mean by that?

Anonymous said...

hi I was thinking what wool do you use can you tell me please I would like to make the bag from Sara waldman

Anonymous said...
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Unknown said...

Instead of adding the flap to the bag make it with the bag. just make it extra long in fold it up and attach it to the sides. And then you'll have your flap that folds right down. I think that would work.

Unknown said...

What size hook did you use and what type yarn was used?

Unknown said...

I finally was able to read the other comments from other people on your site. At first I couldn't find any thing written except your pattern. Then I closed down everything and rebooted. This time everything was there, including answers that I needed. Thank you for your wonderful pattern.

Theresa said...

What size hook did you use